English Stories Chasing Stardust

English Stories Chasing Stardust

El siguiente es el video relacionado llamado English Stories Chasing Stardust del canal que lleva el mismo nombre de este Blog Sonado English, mi recomendación es que veas el video, escuches el audio en inglés cuantas veces los necesites, tanto activando los subtítulos en inglés como con los subtítulos en español.

English Stories Chasing Stardust

Tengo otro post que tiene la misma dinámica y te podría servir y se llama English Stories The Beacon of Hope y puedes verlo en el siguiente enlace:

English Stories The Unlikely Duo

Script del video relacionado English Stories Chasing Stardust

In a small, sleepy town nestled among rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Emily. Since she was a child, Emily had always been enchanted by the night sky. Her room was adorned with glow-in-the-dark stars, and she spent countless hours gazing at the stars through her telescope.

One clear summer night, as Emily lay on her back in the backyard, she saw a shooting star streak across the sky. She closed her eyes, made a wish, and whispered, “I want to be an astronaut one day.”

Years passed, and Emily’s fascination with the stars grew stronger. She devoured books about space exploration, aced her science classes, and even built her own makeshift rocket in the garage. Her friends and family often teased her about her “out-of-this-world” dreams, but Emily was undeterred.

One day, Emily saw a poster for a space camp in the nearby city. It was an opportunity to learn from real astronauts and experience simulated space missions. There was just one problem – the camp came with a hefty price tag. Emily knew her family couldn’t afford it, but she was determined to find a way.

She began working odd jobs after school and during weekends, from babysitting to mowing lawns. Emily even organized a stargazing fundraiser in her town, inviting neighbors to view celestial wonders through her telescope for a small fee. Slowly but steadily, she saved up enough money to attend the space camp.

At the camp, Emily was in her element. She excelled in every task, from simulating spacewalks to solving complex equations. Her dedication and enthusiasm caught the attention of the camp instructors, including a retired astronaut named Captain Anderson.

Captain Anderson saw something special in Emily. He took her under his wing, sharing his experiences and knowledge. He became her mentor and friend, guiding her on her journey to the stars.

Years later, Emily stood on the launchpad at NASA, her heart pounding with excitement and nerves. She was about to board a real spaceship bound for the International Space Station. Her dream was about to come true.

As the rocket roared to life and lifted off into the boundless expanse of space, Emily looked out of the window at the Earth below. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that she had chased and caught her dream. She was living her childhood wish, and it was more incredible than she had ever imagined.

Emily’s story became an inspiration to all who heard it, a reminder that with determination, hard work, and unwavering belief, anyone could reach for the stars and turn their dreams into reality.

The End

Vocabulario relacionado en la historia del script

A continuación te relaciono, las principales palabras que te pueden servir del vocabulario relacionado en el post English Stories Chasing Stardust.

  1. Enchanted (Encantada):
    • Español: Sentir una gran fascinación o encanto por algo.
    • Inglés: To feel a great fascination or charm for something.
  2. Adorned (Adornada):
    • Español: Decorado o embellecido.
    • Inglés: Decorated or embellished.
  3. Gaze (Mirar fijamente):
    • Español: Mirar intensamente o con atención.
    • Inglés: To look intensely or with attention.
  4. Shooting star (Estrella fugaz):
    • Español: Un meteoro brillante que cruza rápidamente el cielo.
    • Inglés: A bright meteor that quickly crosses the sky.
  5. Undeterred (Inquebrantable):
    • Español: No desanimado o afectado por obstáculos.
    • Inglés: Not discouraged or affected by obstacles.
  6. Hefty (Considerable o grande):
    • Español: Grande o considerable en tamaño o cantidad.
    • Inglés: Large or considerable in size or amount.
  7. Odd jobs (Trabajos esporádicos o temporales):
    • Español: Trabajos temporales o esporádicos.
    • Inglés: Temporary or sporadic jobs.
  8. Spacewalk (Caminata espacial):
    • Español: Actividad realizada por un astronauta fuera de una nave espacial en el espacio.
    • Inglés: Activity performed by an astronaut outside a spacecraft in space.
  9. Dedication (Dedicación):
    • Español: Compromiso y esfuerzo dedicados a una causa o objetivo.
    • Inglés: Commitment and effort dedicated to a cause or goal.
  10. Expanse (Amplitud o extensión):
    • Español: Una gran área o extensión.
    • Inglés: A large area or extension.
  11. Unwavering (Inquebrantable):
    • Español: Firme y constante, que no cambia.
    • Inglés: Firm and constant, not changing.
  12. Bound (Dirigirse o estar destinado a):
    • Español: Ir en dirección a o estar destinado a un lugar.
    • Inglés: To go in the direction of or be destined for a place.

Ejemplos en contexto

Ejemplos contextuales de las palabras relacionadas en el vocabulario, con su explicación en inglés y español.

  1. Enchanted (Encantada):
    • Example 1: Emily was enchanted by the beauty of the starry night sky.
      • Explanation: Emily estaba encantada por la belleza del cielo estrellado de la noche.
    • Example 2: The old bookshop was enchanted with an air of mystery and nostalgia.
      • Explanation: La vieja librería estaba encantada con un aire de misterio y nostalgia.
  2. Adorned (Adornada):
    • Example 1: The Christmas tree was beautifully adorned with colorful ornaments and lights.
      • Explanation: El árbol de Navidad estaba hermosamente adornado con adornos y luces de colores.
    • Example 2: Her dress was adorned with intricate lace and embroidery.
      • Explanation: Su vestido estaba adornado con encajes y bordados intrincados.
  3. Gaze (Mirar fijamente):
    • Example 1: He couldn’t help but gaze at the mesmerizing sunset over the ocean.
      • Explanation: No pudo evitar mirar fijamente el hipnotizante atardecer sobre el océano.
    • Example 2: They gazed into each other’s eyes, lost in deep conversation.
      • Explanation: Se miraron fijamente a los ojos, perdidos en una conversación profunda.
  4. Shooting star (Estrella fugaz):
    • Example 1: We made a wish upon a shooting star that streaked across the night sky.
      • Explanation: Pedimos un deseo a una estrella fugaz que cruzó el cielo nocturno.
    • Example 2: The kids excitedly pointed to a shooting star during the meteor shower.
      • Explanation: Los niños señalaron emocionados una estrella fugaz durante la lluvia de meteoros.
  5. Undeterred (Inquebrantable):
    • Example 1: Despite facing numerous obstacles, she remained undeterred in her pursuit of a college education.
      • Explanation: A pesar de enfrentar numerosos obstáculos, ella se mantuvo inquebrantable en su búsqueda de una educación universitaria.
    • Example 2: The team was undeterred by their previous losses and continued to train diligently.
      • Explanation: El equipo no se dejó desanimar por sus derrotas anteriores y continuó entrenando con diligencia.
  6. Hefty (Considerable o grande):
    • Example 1: The suitcase was so hefty that it took two people to lift it.
      • Explanation: La maleta era tan considerable que necesitaron dos personas para levantarla.
    • Example 2: The project required a hefty amount of funding to get off the ground.
      • Explanation: El proyecto requería una cantidad considerable de financiamiento para ponerse en marcha.
  7. Odd jobs (Trabajos esporádicos o temporales):
    • Example 1: During the summer, she took on odd jobs like pet sitting and lawn mowing to earn extra money.
      • Explanation: Durante el verano, aceptaba trabajos esporádicos como cuidar mascotas y cortar césped para ganar dinero extra.
    • Example 2: He did various odd jobs around town to support himself while pursuing his dream of becoming an artist.
      • Explanation: Hacía varios trabajos esporádicos en la ciudad para mantenerse mientras perseguía su sueño de convertirse en artista.
  8. Spacewalk (Caminata espacial):
    • Example 1: Astronauts undergo rigorous training for a spacewalk to repair equipment on the International Space Station.
      • Explanation: Los astronautas se someten a un entrenamiento riguroso para una caminata espacial y reparar equipo en la Estación Espacial Internacional.
    • Example 2: The astronaut’s heart raced as he prepared for his first-ever spacewalk outside the spacecraft.
      • Explanation: El corazón del astronauta latía rápido mientras se preparaba para su primera caminata espacial fuera de la nave espacial.
  9. Dedication (Dedicación):
    • Example 1: Her success was the result of years of hard work and dedication to her craft.
      • Explanation: Su éxito fue el resultado de años de arduo trabajo y dedicación a su oficio.
    • Example 2: The coach praised the team’s unwavering dedication to training, which led to their victory.
      • Explanation: El entrenador elogió la dedicación inquebrantable del equipo al entrenamiento, lo que condujo a su victoria.
  10. Expanse (Amplitud o extensión):
    • Example 1: They hiked for hours through the vast expanse of the desert.
      • Explanation: Caminaron durante horas a través de la vasta amplitud del desierto.
    • Example 2: The ocean’s expanse seemed endless as the ship sailed further from the shore.
      • Explanation: La extensión del océano parecía interminable mientras el barco se alejaba de la costa.
  11. Unwavering (Inquebrantable):
    • Example 1: Her unwavering commitment to social justice inspired others to join the cause.
      • Explanation: Su compromiso inquebrantable con la justicia social inspiró a otros a unirse a la causa.
    • Example 2: The team’s unwavering support for their injured teammate demonstrated their strong bond.
      • Explanation: El apoyo inquebrantable del equipo a su compañero lesionado demostró su fuerte vínculo.
  12. Bound (Dirigirse o estar destinado a):
    • Example 1: The train is bound for the coastal city, where they plan to spend their vacation.
      • Explanation: El tren se dirige hacia la ciudad costera, donde planean pasar sus vacaciones.
    • Example 2: His determination and talent ensured that he was bound for success in his chosen career.
      • Explanation: Su determinación y talento aseguraron que estaba destinado al éxito en su carrera elegida.

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