English Stories Love Under the Stars

English Stories Love Under the Stars

El siguiente es el video relacionado llamado English Stories Love Under the Stars del canal que lleva el mismo nombre de este Blog Sonado English, mi recomendación es que veas el video, escuches el audio en inglés cuantas veces los necesites, tanto activando los subtítulos en inglés como con los subtítulos en español.

English Stories Love Under the Stars

Tengo otro post que tiene la misma dinámica y te podría servir y se llama English Stories Chasing Stardust y puedes verlo en el siguiente enlace:

English Stories Chasing Stardust

Script del video relacionado English Stories Love Under the Stars

Love Under the Stars

Sarah and Mark had been inseparable since their college days. They met in a crowded library during finals week, both desperately seeking a quiet place to study. As they exchanged smiles and found an empty table together, little did they know that they were beginning a love story that would last a lifetime.

Their love blossomed slowly, like the gradual turning of pages in a well-worn book. Mark was the quiet, introverted type, while Sarah was outgoing and vivacious. They complemented each other perfectly, finding strength in their differences.

One summer evening, under a sky filled with a million stars, Mark decided it was time to confess his feelings. He planned a picnic in the park, complete with a blanket, a basket of Sarah’s favorite snacks, and a telescope for stargazing.

As they lay on the blanket, Mark pointed the telescope at the brightest star in the sky. “You know,” he said, “they say that star is millions of years old, but its light still reaches us today. Just like my love for you, it’s been there all along.”

Sarah turned to Mark, her heart racing. “Mark, I love you too,” she whispered.

That night, under the twinkling stars, they sealed their love with a kiss.

Their journey together was not without its challenges. Life threw its share of curveballs, but they faced them together. They celebrated each other’s successes, comforted each other in times of sorrow, and cherished every moment spent side by side.

Years passed, and they found themselves back in that same library where their love story began. This time, it was their child who was searching for a quiet place to study. As they watched their son find an empty table and exchange smiles with another student, Mark and Sarah couldn’t help but smile at each other, knowing that a new chapter was about to begin.

Their love story had come full circle, a testament to the enduring power of romantic love.

The End

Vocabulario relacionado en la historia del script

  1. Inseparable (Inseparables):
    • Example 1: Sarah and Mark had been inseparable since their college days, sharing every moment together.
      • Explanation: Sarah y Mark habían sido inseparables desde sus días de universidad, compartiendo cada momento juntos.
    • Example 2: The bond between the two friends was so strong that they were practically inseparable.
      • Explanation: El vínculo entre los dos amigos era tan fuerte que eran prácticamente inseparables.
  2. Blossomed (Floreció):
    • Example 1: Their love blossomed slowly, like a delicate flower opening up to the sun’s warmth.
      • Explanation: Su amor floreció lentamente, como una flor delicada que se abre al calor del sol.
    • Example 2: With time and care, the once struggling garden blossomed into a lush paradise of colorful blooms.
      • Explanation: Con tiempo y cuidado, el jardín que antes luchaba floreció en un exuberante paraíso de flores de colores.
  3. Cherished (Valorado o apreciado):
    • Example 1: They cherished every moment spent together, knowing that each one was a precious memory.
      • Explanation: Valoraban cada momento juntos, sabiendo que cada uno era un recuerdo precioso.
    • Example 2: The antique necklace had been cherished by generations of the family, passing down its sentimental value.
      • Explanation: El collar antiguo había sido apreciado por generaciones de la familia, transmitiendo su valor sentimental.
  4. Sealed (Sellado):
    • Example 1: Under the starry sky, they sealed their love with a kiss that felt like a promise for eternity.
      • Explanation: Bajo el cielo estrellado, sellaron su amor con un beso que parecía una promesa para la eternidad.
    • Example 2: The contract was sealed with a handshake, marking the beginning of a new business partnership.
      • Explanation: El contrato fue sellado con un apretón de manos, marcando el comienzo de una nueva asociación comercial.
  5. Confessed (Confesó):
    • Example 1: Mark finally gathered the courage to confess his feelings to Sarah under the night sky.
      • Explanation: Mark finalmente reunió el coraje para confesar sus sentimientos a Sarah bajo el cielo nocturno.
    • Example 2: She couldn’t keep her secret any longer and decided to confess her mistake to her best friend.
      • Explanation: No pudo guardar su secreto por más tiempo y decidió confesar su error a su mejor amiga.
  6. Journey (Viaje):
    • Example 1: Their journey together was filled with ups and downs, but they faced each challenge hand in hand.
      • Explanation: Su viaje juntos estuvo lleno de altibajos, pero enfrentaron cada desafío mano a mano.
    • Example 2: Life’s journey is full of unexpected twists and turns, making it an exciting adventure.
      • Explanation: El viaje de la vida está lleno de giros y vueltas inesperados, lo que lo convierte en una emocionante aventura.
  7. Curveballs (Bolas curvas o sorpresas inesperadas):
    • Example 1: Life often throws unexpected curveballs, but how we react to them defines our character.
      • Explanation: La vida a menudo lanza sorpresas inesperadas, pero cómo reaccionamos a ellas define nuestro carácter.
    • Example 2: Despite the curveballs life had thrown at them, they remained resilient and hopeful.
      • Explanation: A pesar de las sorpresas inesperadas que la vida les había lanzado, siguieron siendo resilientes y esperanzados.
  8. Gradual (Gradual o progresivo):
    • Example 1: Their friendship developed gradually over time as they got to know each other better.
      • Explanation: Su amistad se desarrolló gradualmente con el tiempo a medida que se conocían mejor.
    • Example 2: The gradual change in seasons from winter to spring brought new life to the dormant landscape.
      • Explanation: El cambio gradual de estaciones de invierno a primavera trajo nueva vida al paisaje dormido.
  9. Promise (Promesa):
    • Example 1: He made a heartfelt promise to always be there for her, no matter what.
      • Explanation: Hizo una promesa sincera de estar siempre a su lado, pase lo que pase.
    • Example 2: Their wedding vows were a solemn promise to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.
      • Explanation: Sus votos matrimoniales fueron una solemne promesa de amarse y apreciarse mutuamente por el resto de sus vidas.
  10. Together (Juntos):
    • Example 1: They faced life’s challenges and joys together, knowing that their love would always be their anchor.
      • Explanation: Enfrentaron los desafíos y las alegrías de la vida juntos, sabiendo que su amor siempre sería su ancla.
    • Example 2: No matter where life took them, they were determined to stay together and build a life full of memories.
      • Explanation: No importaba a dónde los llevara la vida, estaban decididos a permanecer juntos y construir una vida llena de recuerdos.

Ejemplos en contexto

Ejemplos contextuales de las palabras relacionadas en el vocabulario, con su explicación en inglés y español.

  1. Inseparable (Inseparables):
    • Example 1: Sarah and Mark had been inseparable since their college days, sharing every moment together.
      • Explanation: Sarah y Mark habían sido inseparables desde sus días de universidad, compartiendo cada momento juntos.
    • Example 2: The bond between the two friends was so strong that they were practically inseparable.
      • Explanation: El vínculo entre los dos amigos era tan fuerte que eran prácticamente inseparables.
  2. Blossomed (Floreció):
    • Example 1: Their love blossomed slowly, like a delicate flower opening up to the sun’s warmth.
      • Explanation: Su amor floreció lentamente, como una flor delicada que se abre al calor del sol.
    • Example 2: With time and care, the once struggling garden blossomed into a lush paradise of colorful blooms.
      • Explanation: Con tiempo y cuidado, el jardín que antes luchaba floreció en un exuberante paraíso de flores de colores.
  3. Cherished (Valorado o apreciado):
    • Example 1: They cherished every moment spent together, knowing that each one was a precious memory.
      • Explanation: Valoraban cada momento juntos, sabiendo que cada uno era un recuerdo precioso.
    • Example 2: The antique necklace had been cherished by generations of the family, passing down its sentimental value.
      • Explanation: El collar antiguo había sido apreciado por generaciones de la familia, transmitiendo su valor sentimental.
  4. Sealed (Sellado):
    • Example 1: Under the starry sky, they sealed their love with a kiss that felt like a promise for eternity.
      • Explanation: Bajo el cielo estrellado, sellaron su amor con un beso que parecía una promesa para la eternidad.
    • Example 2: The contract was sealed with a handshake, marking the beginning of a new business partnership.
      • Explanation: El contrato fue sellado con un apretón de manos, marcando el comienzo de una nueva asociación comercial.
  5. Confessed (Confesó):
    • Example 1: Mark finally gathered the courage to confess his feelings to Sarah under the night sky.
      • Explanation: Mark finalmente reunió el coraje para confesar sus sentimientos a Sarah bajo el cielo nocturno.
    • Example 2: She couldn’t keep her secret any longer and decided to confess her mistake to her best friend.
      • Explanation: No pudo guardar su secreto por más tiempo y decidió confesar su error a su mejor amiga.
  6. Journey (Viaje):
    • Example 1: Their journey together was filled with ups and downs, but they faced each challenge hand in hand.
      • Explanation: Su viaje juntos estuvo lleno de altibajos, pero enfrentaron cada desafío mano a mano.
    • Example 2: Life’s journey is full of unexpected twists and turns, making it an exciting adventure.
      • Explanation: El viaje de la vida está lleno de giros y vueltas inesperados, lo que lo convierte en una emocionante aventura.
  7. Curveballs (Bolas curvas o sorpresas inesperadas):
    • Example 1: Life often throws unexpected curveballs, but how we react to them defines our character.
      • Explanation: La vida a menudo lanza sorpresas inesperadas, pero cómo reaccionamos a ellas define nuestro carácter.
    • Example 2: Despite the curveballs life had thrown at them, they remained resilient and hopeful.
      • Explanation: A pesar de las sorpresas inesperadas que la vida les había lanzado, siguieron siendo resilientes y esperanzados.
  8. Gradual (Gradual o progresivo):
    • Example 1: Their friendship developed gradually over time as they got to know each other better.
      • Explanation: Su amistad se desarrolló gradualmente con el tiempo a medida que se conocían mejor.
    • Example 2: The gradual change in seasons from winter to spring brought new life to the dormant landscape.
      • Explanation: El cambio gradual de estaciones de invierno a primavera trajo nueva vida al paisaje dormido.
  9. Promise (Promesa):
    • Example 1: He made a heartfelt promise to always be there for her, no matter what.
      • Explanation: Hizo una promesa sincera de estar siempre a su lado, pase lo que pase.
    • Example 2: Their wedding vows were a solemn promise to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.
      • Explanation: Sus votos matrimoniales fueron una solemne promesa de amarse y apreciarse mutuamente por el resto de sus vidas.
  10. Together (Juntos):
    • Example 1: They faced life’s challenges and joys together, knowing that their love would always be their anchor.
      • Explanation: Enfrentaron los desafíos y las alegrías de la vida juntos, sabiendo que su amor siempre sería su ancla.
    • Example 2: No matter where life took them, they were determined to stay together and build a life full of memories.
      • Explanation: No importaba a dónde los llevara la vida, estaban decididos a permanecer juntos y construir una vida llena de recuerdos.

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